To ensure our members are well-informed about the upcoming Annual Meeting and their voting eligibility, below are pertinent details about what you’re voting on and elections.
Please note that only active members in good standing can vote at the Annual Meeting. According to Article III, Section 5 of the NCHS Bylaws:
“No person shall be qualified as a member and entitled to vote at regular, special, or annual meetings unless the annual dues have been paid to the […] and their names inscribed on the membership list at or in advance of any meeting.”
Please verify your status before the meeting to ensure your membership is current. If you have any questions regarding your membership, contact us at 507-934-2160 or
WHEREAS, the Nicollet County Historical Society (NCHS) Board of Directors has reviewed the Bylaws and identified the need for clarification regarding quorum requirements for Board meetings; and
WHEREAS, the Board has carried a motion recommending this amendment for presentation to the membership per Article VIII of the Bylaws;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the NCHS Board of Directors proposes the following amendment to the Bylaws, to be voted upon at the next duly called Annual Meeting of the Membership.
Seven members A simple majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors.
Rationale for the Changes
This amendment ensures the quorum requirement adjusts proportionally based on the number of seated Board members, allowing for more flexibility in governance while maintaining decision-making integrity.
Motion to Amend the Bylaws:
“I move that the Nicollet County Historical Society amend its Bylaws as proposed as of April 7, 2025.”
In accordance with Article VIII of the Bylaws of the Nicollet County Historical Society, the Board of Directors recommends the following changes to the membership dues structure for business and nonprofit members. These changes reflect our commitment to providing sustainable and meaningful benefits to our supporters while ensuring the financial health of the Society.
Proposed Motion
“I move that the membership dues for business and nonprofit members of the Nicollet County Historical Society be amended as follows, effective [Effective Date]:”
Current Structure:
- $200 – Advocate
- 10 site/event passes
- Listing and link on the NCHS website as an Advocate Business Member
- Listing as an Advocate Business in our newsletter & annual report
- One room rental at the Treaty Site History Center at a 25% discount
- $500 – Benefactor
- 25 site/event passes
- Listing and link on the NCHS website as a Benefactor Business Member
- Listing as a Benefactor Business Member in our newsletter & annual report
- One room rental at the Treaty Site History Center at a 50% discount
- Business “History Twist” – an article with a historical “twist” about your business will be featured in one issue of the Society’s newsletter, The Crossing, after initial enrollment
- $1,000 – Champion
- 75 site/event passes
- Listing and link on the NCHS website as a Champion Business Member
- Listing as a Champion Business Member in our newsletter & annual report
- 100 – 20% merchandise discount cards
- One free room rental at the Treaty Site History Center
- Business “History Twist” – an article with a historical “twist” about your business will be featured in one issue of the Society’s newsletter, The Crossing, after initial enrollment
Proposed Structure:
$200 – Partner
- Two membership cards allowing the bearer free admission to NCHS exhibits & Research Library
- Two one-day guest passes to the Treaty Site History Center
- Subscription to The Crossing, NCHS’s quarterly newsletter
- Recognition on the NCHS website (text listing)
- Window cling to display at your business
- Complimentary membership in Time Travelers, a national network of museums & historical societies
$400 – Leader
- All Partner level benefits, plus:
- Two additional one-day guest passes (total of four)
- 20% one-time discount on a facility rental
- Logo recognition on the NCHS website
$125 – Friend (For nonprofits and service organizations)
- Two membership cards allowing the bearer free admission to NCHS exhibits & Research Library
- Subscription to The Crossing, NCHS’s quarterly newsletter
- Recognition on the NCHS website (text listing)
- Complimentary membership in Time Travelers, a national network of museums & historical societies
Rationale for the Changes
- The new structure simplifies and strengthens the business membership program.
- Adjustments better align benefits with member engagement and organizational sustainability.
- Adding a nonprofit level ensures that nonprofits and service organizations can continue participating in NCHS at an affordable rate.
New Candidates:
- No applicants.
Running for a Second Term:
- Eric Annexstad
- Alma Forst
- Dennis Schmidt
2025 Officers:
- President: Dennis Schmidt
- Vice President: Tami Skinner
- Treasurer: Alma Forst
- Secretary: Scott Hermanson