
Open Tue-Sat from 10-4 | 507-934-2160

Call for 2022 NCHS Board Members

The Nicollet County Historical Society (NCHS) is currently accepting applications for new members of its Board of Directors. NCHS has the privilege of preserving, protecting, and sharing Nicollet County and Minnesota’s rich history. 

We do this by:

  • Offering exhibits providing access to, a­nd interpretation and enjoyment of, our collections artifacts and unique local stories. 
  • Housing and caring for an extensive collection of Nicollet County and Minnesota-focused photographs, documents, maps, etc. 
  • Creating educational programs that offer a wide variety of learning opportunities for adults and children, including lectures, films, demonstrations, hands-on activities, etc. 
  • Keeping our membership updated about our sites, upcoming events, new additions to our collection, and historical interest stories with a quarterly print newsletter, The Crossing

NCHS is one of southern Minnesota’s most well-respected and diversely interpreted historical and cultural organizations. Being a member of the Nicollet County Historical Society’s Board provides you with a unique opportunity to help make history accessible for learners of all ages. While our Board of Directors provides oversight and financial leadership, we also expect board members to take an active role in helping the Society grow and thrive.

Directors are expected to:

  • Attend bi-monthly board meetings. 
  • Actively participate in planning, governance, and fundraising. 
  • Serve on committees. 
  • Be ambassadors, volunteering your time and talents at our historic sites or within our communities. 

The best candidates have:

  • A passion for history. 
  • Connections that can help promote NCHS. 
  • Experience in law, fund development, or facilities management. 
  • And the will to make a difference in the community. 

The deadline for consideration is Friday, November 5, 2021. If you would like to apply or would like more information visit our website at nchsmn.org/call-for-board-members-2022. If you have questions, please get in touch with NCHS Board President Kate Martens board@nchsmn.org or 507-934-2160.

Download the 2022 NCHS Board Candidate Packet below.