
Open Tue-Sat from 10-4 | 507-934-2160



Beginning Thursday, August 12th, all employees and visitors will be required to wear masks indoors at our sites, regardless of vaccination status. This change in mask requirements is due to increased COVID-19 cases (specifically the Delta variant) in Nicollet County. In addition, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released new guidance that recommended masking of all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, living in counties with elevated rates.

Keeping us all safe.

We have safety measures in place to protect the health of our visitors, staff, and volunteers, including:

  • Enhanced cleaning of high-touch surfaces and providing hand-sanitizing stations for visitors.
  • Requiring masks indoors
  • Strongly encouraging continued physical distancing.

If you feel sick, have flu-like symptoms, or have been in contact with someone who has recently had COVID-19, please visit us another time.


During your visit.

Admission to the museum gives you access to all exhibits, including the Treaty of Traverse des Sioux, Educational Excellence, Fort Ridgely, and coming soon, Marian Anderson: Her Artistic Process.

Please note:

  • Open hours are Thursday – Saturday from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
  • The Research Center is not open for walk-ins. Please make an appointment with the Research Coordinator. Online research services are available.
  • Masks are required regardless of your vaccination status.
  • Many interactive components are removed for safety reasons.
  • We still recommend keeping your distance between other groups or visitors.

Please be patient with one another as we navigate this next wave of COVID-19.

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Learn More About a Visit to the Treaty Site History Center