
Open Tue-Sat from 10-4 | 507-934-2160

Jon Smithers

Jon grew up in Flint, Michigan (GM town) & Varna, Illinois (population 350) as a contrast. In 1973 Jon enlisted in the Air Force & was stationed in Minot, ND.

Jon moved to St. Peter, MN in 1978. In 1979 Jon married Karen Windhorn. They opened St. Peter’s first computer store in 1987 called Better Micro Solutions in the Four Seasons Mall. In 1989 BMS purchased Frani’s Hallmark building & moved right in. Jon & Karen restored the building & upstairs apartment. That took almost a year. In 1991 Jon closed the store & moved the business home.

In 2000 Jon became interested in digital photography. Around 2003, Jon was President of the Arts Center of St. Peter. Jon has been selling his photography at fine art fairs from 2003 until 2019. Jon & Karen have since retired from art fairs. Jon has also been on St. Peter’s Tourism Board for four years.

Jon has been working with drones in aerial photography for the last nine years. Jon was asked by a good friend, Craig Blacklock, to help with his latest book in 2016. “St. Croix & Namekagon Rivers” was released in 2018 & the forward was written by Vice President Walter F. Mondale. Jon took fifty of the images in the book with his drones at Craig’s direction.

Jon has been an active member of the St. Peter community for 43+ years.